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Saturday, June 21, 2008
Regarding the previous post!/ 2:44 PM Well, hello again everyone! okay so this is actually a post following up to the previous post.. And the reason i'm doing this is coz i know some of you may not agree to what i've said in the previous post. So i'm here not to explain myself (coz i believe that i have every right to think what i want) but i'm here to bring up some concerns you have regarding my previous post. Well...if you were to go to "leave a message", i've written some comments there..but i think it'll be easier for all to just read this post than scrolling up and down trying to read the comments people have posted and also comments that i have posted. Firstly, concerned guy, i do agree with you to a certain extent that it may be against theirs and most religions bout this trans sexuality issue. However, people do have their own thinking and well truthfully, it IS their life and they have every right to make their own decisions. We can try to help them and bring them to the correct path (as written or believed or taught to us) through our own religion. But what if they do not want to follow their religion? You cannot blame them, they may be born into a religion but it is not a choice they made. So if they do not believe in the religion taught to them or maybe in their thinking forced upon them, it's not their fault. As i've said so many times, people have their own thinking just as every one is different in their own way. What about the people out there who are free thinkers, are they criticised as well for not having a religion? Well, if they do not believe in their own religion, why would they want to be in it? And i ask again, isnt it a greater sin for one to not believe in their own religion, in their own god? So would you rather they be honest to both themselves and the society that they do not believe in and wish to not abide by the rules of their religion (thus wish to be a free thinker) or would you rather they be hypocrites and stay in that religion of theirs but do not follow the teachings and the beliefs. Secondly, to what i've learnt and maybe a lil researching that i've done, there are certain cases where a boy being born with more female hormones than male hormones or vice versa. So in these cases, it is not really by their choice for them to be acting as their opposite sex act. Thus the reason for them wanting a sex change. Imagine a boy/guy who is more effeminate and has been for most part of his life. People, his peers making fun of him for what/who he is. People not accepting him coz he is just different and remember, NOT by his choice, but because of some inborn deficiency. Unfair and unjust dont you think? Thirdly, if the person believes that they are more suited to be the opposite sex but well naturally, it is not accepted by the society. Dont you think all the supress emotions in that person will in fact harm him, his family, his friends (if he has any) and people around him? What if he just snaps coz of all the burden he has been carrying? What if he becomes mad and irrational and actually could or probably is capable of harming someone. Would that be good for society? Well, there are alot more reasons that i can think of but i do not think it possible for me to tell you all of it. But the reasons above are what i think fairly more important than the others that i could think of. At the end of this post, i may have been able to open up some eyes to how i see and address the issue but than again i may have not been able to do just that. Well if i have not been able to open up some eyes, then i cant help but feel sad and dissapointed but then again i respect your thinking because everyone have their own minds. I'll leave it at that. "People have their own thinking, just as every one is different in their own way. Just take it that every one is human and they have feelings and emotions just like the next person and these people are no different. "< Labels: public issues, transexuality |
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A girl like me - Gwen Araujo/ 11:47 PM Omg...i'm wathing this really really good movie called A girl like me - Gwen Araujo Its a great movie about this boy,Edward, who have the desires to become a girl. Even at a young age he wanted to be a girl. And as he grows older, his desires to become a FEMALE grows as well. By this time, his mother finally see and realise that this is who he is, this is what he wants to be. But then again, part of herself still hopes, still prays that Edward would barge in one day adn admit that all this was a mistake. Slowly, they finally accept him and that is when he evolves into a real she (no he did not get a sex change..just dresses like one and look like one) also invloving the change of the name to Gwen Araujo. She then falls in love with a marine guy, who in turns love her back but what he didnt know was that Gwen was a he. And they dated for 9 months but when he finally finds out that Gwen was really a guy, he was shocked beyond belief and ended any means of communication. (now see, that is the typical human behaviour....oooh, forget the 9 months they spent together...ooh he's a guy, he has not virgina...i cant see him anymore...WTH!! what about liking a person for who they are?) so after the breakup, Gwen strayed from the right path and started partying and drinking (of course, everyone hates her, and findin someone who actually loves her and then losing him, it gotta hurt) she mixes with bad company (a grp of college guys) she had Oral sex with them (she gives them BJs) okay so they a few days pass by, and the guys suspect that Gwen was a guy. OH and how right they were! but they couldnt just let it go, not when their fucking EGOS are hurt (men and thei ego....oh how i hate them...) they decided to beat her up for 5 hrs straight and then strangle her and bury her in a nearby feild. Well, of course police did their job and found the body and brought the boys too court. (omg this is where i got really pissed) The lawyer representing the boy attempted to defend the boys by saying sth like "Mrs Araujo, do you really blame these here boys for temporarily losing their heads and act rashly after being deceived in such a way. A freak becoming sexually intimate with his same sex. Society has made it such that Edward is an outcast." And she replied "HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU say that society has made them the way they are. You expect me..ME to forgive them and not blame them after what they did to my DAUGHTER?! They beat her up for 5 hrs and then strangled her and buried her in a FEILD! AND AFTER THAT THEY GO TO A DINER AND EAT PANCAKES FOR BREAKFAST!! I BLAME THEM...I BLAME EVERY ONE OF THEM..." she then walks out of the court room with her head held up high...and every single one who was present clapped their hands in support...(I SUPPORT YOU TOOO!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (oh! another scene that made me pissed off!) it was the end, when Gwen Edward Araujo was given a wake. People, protestors gathered infront of the house and started protesting against the family, against Gwen, against transexuality. (WHAT THE FUCK!!?!?!? CANT THEY JUST FUCKING MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS?!?! they know nothing bout her but yet they gather out there and start to protest. HAH!! what a typical human reaction...STUPID AND SHALLOW!!!) Thats really the end of the story, when Gwen was finally put to rest... OH and this IS a true story...but well then again, i'm not surprise coz human beings are every bit the animal they believe they are ever so superior to...stupid bastards... This movie is a great example thats addresses the issue that seems to be a tabboo among society...something that seems to be too lowly or "disgusting" for people of class and morals to discuss. And when asked why they refuse to acknoweledge it, they say is a sensitive issue, one that needs to be address with much care and consideration. STOP THE BULLSHIT!! just come out of the closet and admit that you, yes even adults, are uncomfortable discussing such issues. People are all different, you don't expect for everyone to be the same. Thats the reason we are human beings and not mere clones. So who made the rules that we have to be straight? we have to be our gender. Who the hell made such rules?! that those who do not follow the crowd are freaks? are different? WHAT THE FUCK?! They are human beings too, born with feelings, passion and purpose...they feel what we feel, their blood is as red as ours, We ARE the SAME. We are not at all different. So why do people squirm and figgit when they discuss this issue. But what can i, a mere teenager do to change or open the minds of others? To make them see that everyone is different in their own way...so does that makes us all freaks? should we too be shun by society? All i can say is that i'm ashamed to be part of a society that shun away people who are just trying to be themselves. I'm ashamed that i'm categorised as the same species/group as these people. When THESE "PEOPLE" shun away others who behave, acts, talks differently and just coz they do not "fit" into society. Labels: movie, public issues, society, transexuality |
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Monday, June 16, 2008
PROMOTION!!/ 9:18 PM Hey wassup people!!! Well, i'm here to promote Nad and Meera PODCAST SESSIONS!! hahha, well, you dunnoe what its about? it about 2 bored teenage girls sharing their experiences and also their story telling skills! Some really quite hilarious....and we'll also be staring some guests in the future, so just wait for the coming podcasts!!! hahha all you need to do is go to links and click on Wicked Bitches Of The East!! hahha, enjoy yourselves!! Labels: podcasts |
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Sunday, June 15, 2008
new blogskin and love for drama/ 3:37 PM Hello people!! I've finally change my blogskin! I got bored with the previous one..but i did save it incase i get bored of the current one...hahah Well, i still wanted the old/vintage feeling so that the reason for this blogskin...And also it was kinda dark...so i liked it the moment i laid eyes on it... Usually, i'd choose a nice, bright and happy kinda feel...but like what nad said, I choose my blogskins according to my mood...so now you kinda know what mood i'm in...no not sad...just dark and deep...i felt like this ever since i read this book...i dunnoe why but whatever... Its about love, unrequited love, about murder, betrayal, lies, deciet and a lil bit of occult, protocols and rules...Stayed up till 3 am coz i couldnt seem to stop reading and continue the next day... Yeap the book is damn good....And the setting was in the medival times thus you can imagine carriages, horses, butlers, huge mansions, old scary cemetary, dark lakes, candle lit rooms, mystery. and everytime i read a book i imagine that i'm in that era or even one of the characters (usually the heroin...duh!) but sometimes the bad guy, i know weird right...hahha i'll also feel what the character's feeling sometimes get too caught up in it and actually believe i'm THAT person..(ahhaha, i have really good imagination btw) Sometimes when reading, i dun notice my surroundings and i'll jerk awake from the trance that i'm in... Kinda scary sometimes for me...but i just love the feeling of being another person...not that i dun like myself, but once in a while it's nice to step into another's shoes.... HAHA!! i know it sounds ridiculous, but the conclusion i came to is that i LOVE acting and this is one of the way i can do it in the confines of my own room where it's private and no one can critic or judge how good or bad i act... You can blame the actress in me...I love drama, i've loved it since i was 5 yrs old...ever since i joined that drama class, i knew what i want to do...but in Singapore, you cannot succeed with such pitiful excuse of an occupation...so i've resigned to act for fun, for pleasure and nothing more... Well, as long as i could do the thing i love, it's okay with me even if i dun do it for a living... haha, enough about my love for acting and drama...now i wanna ask, do you have a really strong feeling for something...you know those gut wrenching feeling and at the same time those estatic feeling...if you do, then most probably you know how i feel...hahah drama, one of my first love.. XOXO you know you love me |
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Saturday, June 14, 2008
old hags and shopping bags/ 8:34 PM OKAy!!! so i'm here again...at last...haha well, nothing much has been going on in my life...but there were quite a few memorable moments/events that took place... Firstly, i have to have to have to tell you guys that i just got a new phone!! (without me even asking/demanding it from my parents! AMAZING!!)hahaha... so anyhow, the night after Ashley's wonderful Birthday soreii at jennas, i came home after my retail therapy (and what a retail therapy it was!!! i bought 2 new pairs of shoes...1 a wedge and 1 a boot/shoe thingy...it adorable...haha and well, a few pieces of clothing...oh! and a cute halter i saw with had at vivo...and a pair of shades...well the rest of the money went to food...hey! i appreciate good food and dun mind spending alot on really awesome food!) hahha okay enough insignificant details, well, i was in a really good mood after shopping and so headed home...oh and i bumped into a few friends of mine who were headin home after a day of chillin too...and they live near me!! wee company! (not that i need it...but i just love them coz they're retarded and funny hahha!) so OTW, there was this grp of elderly ladies who were i dunnoe, just there and breathing my air (ooohhh! it rhymes!) So then they were looking at us funny...being that i was the rose among the thorns...OKAY OKAY!! the other way round! i was the thorn among the roses...haha and well whats soo wrong being the only girl among a bunch of guys!? i mean COME ON!! it the 21st century people!! keep up with the time!! if you cant, then do us all a favour and just die!...I dun mean to sound rude but well, i've got to say what i've got to say...anyhow, i just cant really stand this kinda culture...being conservative and such...i'm sorry if i do not follow the "unwritten rules" or protocol and shit like that...i cant help but being me...and i'm an open-minded soul who do not give two shits about stupid "rules" god! times like this, i wish i was in a western territory...sheeesh!! i mean fine if you dun approve it, but well, keep it to yourbloodyself! dun have to go around gossip bout me/us loudly...and we can hear it...stupid old hags... come on people....21st century...open-mindedness...keep up with the freaking time! so well, not gonna talk bout that coz it makes me upset, got home in a semi bad mood...and suddenly, my mum came to me and asked...meera, you want w960? and i was like...why? and she just repeated the same qns...and of course i just said yes...and to my surprise, my mum went into the room and a few seconds later, came out with the box that carried that fab phone...and she just handed it to me... WOOOAAH!! a new phone!? FOR ME?!...okay whats the catch?*squints* found out, that there was no catch...my mum just decided to get a new phone (wth right...i know...) soo the day ended pretty well... |
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Japanese relatives here for a visit...OH NO!!/ 8:13 PM oh ho ho... well, today was an interesting yet irritating all at the same time... So, it all started with my parents telling me that i have to get to my grandmum's house coz some relatives whom i never knew existed came to singapore for a visit.... For some reason too, my great grandmum and my grandmum suddenly felt like they needed to get in touch with their blood (japanese blood, that is)And i was dragged into all of this! ME!!! so, brought them sight seeing and shopping...kinda irritating coz they were like.. "WOOAAHH!" , "OOHHH!" and stuff really loudly... Following them around in town! but the good thing was i got a free manicure out of it! and i got to eat really really goof japanese food...weeeee!! Well, i kinda felt out of place coz firstly, i was the youngest there, the rest were like late 20s or early 30s...and secoundly, i was with a whole group of japanese women...everyone we passed were like...wth.. hahha...but it ended out kinda okay...however, i just couldn't shrug the feeling that they were assessing me or sth....hmmm..I'm keeping my eyes wide open great granma and grandma...i know all you're tricks...AND I'M NOT FALLING FOR IT!!!!! NEVER!!!!! lets just wait and see what my elderlies are really up to... *sit backs and wait patiently* Labels: irritating, japanese relatives, random post 101 |