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Monday, April 21, 2008
GODSHMACKED!!!/ 10:14 PM GODSHMACKED!! Okay, that's not really a word but whatever. IT IS MY blog afterall. I've got loads to talk about. So i've broken it up into parts for your convenience. See, i'm soo considerate!(yeah,yeah whatever) Here are your choices. If you're just hopping from blog to blog and have nothing better to do, then progress to no. 1 For more about the dramas in my life, go to no. 2(i promise it won't be sappy shit) If you're still in the mood for some food for thought bout "what is love?" (it's my perspective of it. SOO it might be a bit(okay alot) warp.) Jump ahead to no. 3 And for When Meera Wanted To Sink Through The Floor.(I bet you'd just love this part wouldn't you?!) Go, go ahead to no.4 If you dont find any of the above interesting then you're retarded! Leave NOW! Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect Two Hundred Pounds. This is Meera's Blog BABY!! |
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1 of 4: Dedicated to blog hoppers/ 9:37 PM 1 of 4: dedicated to blog hoppers(yeap, first ever a blog host dedicate a post just for you huh? SEE!! i AM the best!! whahaha okay ego getting in the way!) Anyhow, since you're here, i might as well entertain you and let you get your money's worth...HEY! wait a sec (ONE second later) you are NOT paying to read this blog, so why must i entertain you? nah, haha just kidding! Do you believe in aliens or don't you? From now on, this question is outdated. I always felt they existed. Don't you remember, a short time ago, you were laying in your bed in the dark, and then suddenly you saw two eyes in front of you. You thought it was a dream, huh? It wasn't! It's now proven: aliens do exist! Here are the proofs. CASE STUDY #01: Elvis is NOT dead I bumped into him at the market place. And yeap, that was elvis alright. he told me he was kidnapped by some aliens, who took him to their planet. But they did some weird stuff with his brain (but I couldn't understand what) But he managed to escape and now he's back on earth! WOOOHOOO!! HEARTBREAK HOTEL BABY!!! Btw he smelled like piss! so he asked whether he could use my bathroom as he has not showered ever since he escaped from planet SHALALALA. So yah! That's my first proof. And remember, Elvis Presley is not dead, he was kidnapped by aliens and he took a shower at my place! CASE STUDY #02: "Women" in Burkas( dont know what that is go look it up the net!) Always felt sorry for those "women" in burka? Well, simply don't. Most of them are aliens, trying to hide their atrocious bodies. They're controlling our world from the Middle East. But the brave Iraqi people revolted against them, and the aliens needed support from American soldiers, because defending themselves would affect too much suspicion. That's my Second proof. And remember, the brave Iraqi people are revolting against the alien domination, and the American soldiers are helping them by oppressing the revolution. What a shame! CASE STUDY #03: Space travel is fake! Well, you know with all the technologies now a days, its really hard to separate the facts from the BULL!! so lets make it easier for you. Does this look real to you?!? ![]() THERE! I REST MY CASE!!!!! Thats my last and final proof!! Sooo see!! are you convince now!??!? WINK WINK Well, if you're not then,...i'm glad to have wasted at least 5 mins of your boring and useless life!! Over and out!! Ps dont forget to read the rest of the post. its fun!! Pps It's not as retarded as this. I Promise! *fingers crosses* Labels: crapiness |
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2 of 3 : Dramas in my life/ 8:52 PM 2 of 4: Dramas in my life Well there's nothing much that is HAPPY HAPPY At all in my life. I wont bore you with all the details bout my currently boring or sad phase of my life so i'll just briefly tell you then. Okay so, last thursday, at dawn, my dad suddenly came into my room and told me a really really shocking news.(i'm gonna make this short as i'm still not over it.) My aunt passed away. And it's shocking coz she's soo young and i just went shopping and boy watching with her like a week and a half before. So yah...part of my brain is still not registering all the details. so i'm just gonna take it one at a time. So i was soo fine lar today but then i had to take malay oral as i missed it last friday(i know, pesty man...i'm not good at malay anw.0 so then everything was going fine until the last question and the one trillion dollar question is... "do you agree that people often do not appreciate something/someone until its/they are gone?" OMG!!!i just burst out crying and my cigku(thats teacher btw) was like stunned. (you know how guys are about tears.) soo i'm gonna stop here and not go on coz its depressing! Anyways, on to a lighter note, i just got cute pair of...err..i dunnoe what to call them...i'm calling them iTs! from nathan. THANKS!!! ps See ya at 2 of 4!!! Labels: me me me |
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3 of 4 : "what is love?" special edition/ 8:03 PM 3 Of 4: "what is love?" special edition(My perspective) So!, i've onced asked Nathan how you know when you fall in love with someone.(PURLEASE!!! i was in a mellow mood okay, good food, walk on the beach. I was feeling sappy okay!! Not that it would ever happen again. Unless there's more good food and mellow surroundings! haha) So anyhow he said something like " You just know. But you have to be careful. Because it could be misleading. Like you lose all sense of reason. You think nothing matters except that one person. And that's not necessarily a good thing either." I know what you're thinking. SOO damn "CHIM"(if thats even how you spell it) Well, Nathan can be deep sometimes but other than those rare moments, he's just a total ass. Anyhow, he continued (yeap there's more) "Loving someone is fab but what matters is loving someone in an ordinary way and not those crazed retarded freaks who'd commit suicide if they break up or stuff like that.(so much for being deep!) "Living with them. With all their bad habits and their smelly socks and snoring and their obnoxious friends and thins that irritate you. That's what love really is."9if thats love, then count me out!!) And he said, "It's like the way i love you, even though you've goot some really disgusting habits, like..."(NO! i'm not telling you that bit!) And woooaaahh!! Hold on there cowboy. What did he just say? Lets rewind abit. It's like the way i love you It's like the way i love you It's like the way i love you It's like the way i love you OMIGOSH! Kay i seriously do not know what to say to that. Speechless!! NEVER IN MY WHOLE TALK FEST LIFE HAVE I BEEN SPEECHLESS. To be honest, i think love is abit retarded. But i'm not gonna spoil this post with my pessimistic view in how crappy love is.(ooops! there i go again! we'll come to that again.) i'll end it here then. Ps i didnt really reply him. Which was, on the surface, fine to him but i knew that he felt like he got suckerpunched. Okay well, i didnt guess that. he told me in a jokingly friendly tone. "Ouch, is my mouth bleeding? I just bare my soul and someone sucker punched me." (honestly, i didnt know what to say so we ended up walking in silence)...DON'T EVEN THINK OF SAYING IT!! I Know what you're thinking. so dont even try it! Pps HEY!! I'm miss commitment phobic dude! cut me some slack geez!! Labels: love love love, retarded |
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4 of 4 : Embarrassed Or What?/ 7:12 PM 4 of 4 : EMBARRASSED OR WHAT? And talking of Nathan, it was all his fault, what happened today when i was in town. Well, I know i called it quits but damn the guy's persistent. Anyhow, i had to get some stuff in town anyways, so i decided to meet up with him. I was just about to reach city hall when he called me. He said,"Hey i'm here already. Where are you?" And i replied,"I just reached, just hold on to your pants a minute! Gawd!" (Hehe, i was really in a irritated mood coz STUPID PEOPLE in the train CANNOT STAND PROPERLY and keep to bang into VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE LIKE ME!) And you know, it's like Singapore, and if you're heading to town during the peak hours you'll get a huge and long human tuna can(if you're too slow to get that, it the MRT....) So well, again being Singapore, you know people are just too impatient or kiasu. So yah i had to squeeze and dodge incoming human traffic and stuff like that. When i finally got to the tapping area, i saw Nathan and waved at him. So well, when approaching him, i was SUPPOSED to go through a door( well you know, the glass kind) And Yeap, You guessed it, in my haste to get out of the human infested area, i banged into the door. I was soo GodSHMACKED!!! Soo embarrasing!! people around me were either just looking at me with humourous eys or the rest are just cackling like a parrot chorus! I got through it with my dignity in tack, but my face was sizzling! And when i FINALLY Reached Nathan, i put up my hand and said, "NOT! NOt a word Nathan Or you'll end up in the pond!" (its an inside joke...sorry!) I finally relaxed when i got out. however, i soo would not forget. I'm probably known as The Stupid-girl-who-banged-into-the-door-head-on...GOD! i will not be able to show my face ever again. EVEN MY CHILDREN'S CHILDRENS can't show their face ever again!! Okay i admit, thats just Overdramatizing it But who cares!?! hahah I'm the DRAMA QUEEN!! hahah, anyways, i bet you guys got a good laugh huh. GOOD. Yeap thats what i said, GOOD. My mission is accomplished. All i have to do now is wait for sth bad to happen to YOU!! yes you!! You know thw drill. CHARMA. Laugh at people's fumbles, you'll get one yourself! WAHAAH! Murphy will be looking out for you!! Labels: embarrased |
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
Too lazy for words/ 12:51 PM Okay since i'm a bit too lazy to blog, i'm doing picture blogging!! so enjoy! ![]() This is nad and i, we are at the esplanade to go watch the "WE WILL ROCK YOU" musical. Which i admit is my current favourite among all the others that i've watched. And TRUST me thats really a high rating. I've been to wath Phantom of the Opera but that was like a classic and a must watch. But this, WOW! And thanks to me for winning the tickets from a contest i took part on MTV. ![]() ![]() Taken before we went into the theatre. We soooo enjoyed ourselves and it was a great Best friend outing Labels: best friends, esplanade, have fun |
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Sunday, April 13, 2008
stupid ass go and swallow 60 condoms(hilarious)/ 10:46 AM HAHAHAH!!! tooooo funny!!! what a stupid ass.. well, i was studying...yes people meera studies(heheh) and the radio was on right and it was the news snippet...so then the newscaster was like saying this dude from tibet was sent to the hospital after swallowing...(jeng jeng jeng) 60 condoms stuffed with a sort of drug(cant really remember as was laughing my ass off. WHAT A STUPID THING TO DO!!! hahahha...i mean come on! swallowing condoms...and i dont mean one condom okay...he freaking swallowed 60 condoms!!! wahahahha and was sent to the hospital...and is in critical condition...hahah...who told you to swallow condoms...see la now what happen... Anyways, thought this would lighten up the mood...hahaha Labels: stupid people |
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Saturday, April 12, 2008
Tanjong Katong Secondary My pride my glory/ 10:25 PM Omg, i am soo tired right now...and if i feel tired, i wouldnt know how the band members are feeling. Anyhow, most of you would have heard the results released tonight at the national stadium. I cant say how i feel, coz theres an emotionnal tornado going on inside of me. Seeing your two best buddies and a few close friends cry really did it for me. Its like a fist gripping your heart and squeezing it soo hard that it hurts like F. Seeing them being really still and keeping their posture even when the results were being released and knowing that they are crying really show how disiplin they are. They've gone through really vigorous training and tremandous amounts of rehearsals and seriously ARE AFFING GOOD! I dont see why the results were as such though deyi MB was good too. Anyhow, what i really want to say is that you guys have put in alot of effort in this and you've did the best you could. So no regrets guys! no regrets guys! Remember the journey that lead you to this. The bitter sweet memories. That is really what counts. Bonding, forging deeper or new friendships. Being together. Being one. Thats what really counts right. Dont worry, we'll have a really fantastic come back two years from now!! Nad, i love you!! I dont care, to me, you guys are still the best band in singapore ever!!That would not change. And remember, you're a part off it, so you should be proud instead of sad...come on!! we can snatch the title back!! And your the bestest french hornist!!(i dun care if you say otherwise.) DONT GIVE UP!! and you know i'll be there for you no matter what nad. Mop on it for awhile and move on...concerntrate on you 'o's and get great grades. Thats your next goal. So work for it nad!! i know you can do it. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rir!! remember what i said, dont worry dude i'll always be there to support you guys. And i'm sure you guys can snatch back the title two years from now. And dont think that you wont be in the band. You will, only that it'll be a different path. An important path. You guys will be the ones pushing the band, instructing the band, contributing to ideas, plannning and moulding the band to the next best display band of 2010. So no worries dude...AND!! you're the best trumpet-ist(hahah sorry dude) Well, i guess after undergoing through this, i'd have to say i now kinda know how nanyang girls feels...well, some will be happy some will be sad. but if you've given your very best then you cant really regret anything. The journey that made who you are now. Lastly, i wanna say congratulations to Deyi MB for receiving the title of Best Display Band of 2008. You guys deserve it....But better enjoy it while it last, coz TK is gonna snatch that title away from you in the next competition!!! TK BAND NO.1 WE ARE NO.1!!!!!!!!! TK Campcraft NO.1 WE ARE NO.1!!!!!!!! TANJONG KATONG NO.1 WE ARE NO.1!!!!!!!!! Labels: competition, tanjong katong |
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I SWEAR I'LL KILL THAT KID!!!/ 6:47 PM I WANNA KILL THAT KID!!!! UGH!! Omg!! i'm soo pissin mad right now! Let me just tell you what happen and i promise you, you'll get pissed off too and want to kill that kid and his parent. (If you don't then i'll freaking kick your ass to freaking china!) So well the day was going on well until i got off the bus at my bus stop. I was minding my own business when i saw this kid playing with the construction net (you know the one that's really bright orange and always accompanied with the cones) Anyhow, he was holding the net around a cat and i thought he was trying to help the cat out of the net but nooo...he was actually trapping the cat within the net and then he freaking stepped on the cat!! i just did what came first to my mind and shouted "OI!" then rushed there and pushed the kid away and scolded him. I was like "OI! fucker crazy izzit?! go away! Your mother never teach you properly izzit?! Motherfucker! Kan ni nah" (i'm sorry but i swear when i'm really pissed!!) then i helped untangle the cat and carried it in my arms. The poor cat was shaking okay!! it was soo freaking terrified! Then i told the kid to get lost and before he did, the looked at the cat and said "BYE!!" in a really cheerful tone. I was like WHAT THE FUCK?!!? Then i went to pick up the stuff i dropped when rushing to the cats aid. The kid then walked pass me with his parent and his parent just smiled at me.WTF?!?(you know the i'm-sorry-my-kid's-like-this smile) BUT WTF?!?! i was majorly pissed by then as burst out!! i said to her " OI!STUPID!, dunnoe how to raise kids,dont lar...go die lar!! MOtherfuckers. Sicko family.' and i just walked off with the cat in my arms. GOD!! i wanted to kick their asses!! i mean come on!! his parent was like freaking there and didnt do anything!! WTF?!?! STUPID MOTERAFFER!! please lar, dont be a freaking mum if you dont know how to raise them and dont have sex and bare a devil child. I swear if i see that kid again i kick his ass!! and get a baseball bat and bash his brains out!! GAWD!!! And the worst thing, this happened at the freaking bus stop. Around 6:30 pm when everyone is walking about. BUT NO ONE did anything to help the poor helpless cat. Bloody assholes. What are you? watching free show!?!? do something!! the freaking kid was stepping on the cat!!!!!!! I swear that singaporeans are cowards. I'm not bad mouthing my fellow citizens but they seriously need to be more open and give help when help is needed not stand aroud there thinking "should i help? should i? would i make a fool out of myself? everyone will look at me" OMG!! after going through the freakig questions that are bombarding you mind, the cat will be FREAKING DEAD by then!! I mean, seriously, it doesnt matter if you look the fool, what matters is you helped a poor helpless creature!! and something good came out of it! dont freaking care whether people will look at you!! what the hell lar...i'm not gonna tell you what to do cause you'll forever stay a COWARD if you dont want to do it yourself. Whatever, i cant stand living among them....I cant stand living in a country with them...i cant stand cowards!! Period. BLOODY ASSHOLES!!! Labels: Motherfuckers, pissed off, public issues, stupid people |
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Sunday, April 6, 2008
Then it hit me....NO MORE CAMPCRAFT!!/ 6:59 PM Haiz... I keep thinkning that there's campcraft tomorrow...i still cannot believe its all over. I want a Re-DO!! god!! now that there's no more campcraft every monday, wednesday and saturday, i'm gonna feel soo lost. like aren't i suppose to do campcraft, but then i'll remember that there's no more campcraft. I swear i'll burst into tears!! I feel like something has been ripped from inside me. Like i've lost something. Omg, i really want campcraft to continue...To tell you the truth, i was hoping that campcraft comptetition would be postpone due to SOMETHING, just so that campcraft would carry on another week or so...but it didn't!!! With no more campcraft, the team might drift further apart due to the upcoming 'o' levels...but its the way of life i guess. Good things have to come to an end sooner or later and we have to learn to let go. But seriously, I DON'T WANNA LET GO!!! Anyhow, since there's no more campcraft, i wish you guys all the best in your studies and work hard for your As!!! We knew that we were gonna be champions and we worked hard to get it. Now, we're gonna work hard for our 'o' levels!! LETS GO!!! Labels: campcraft, letting go |
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Saturday, April 5, 2008
Thank You/ 7:39 PM Tk CAMPCRAFT 2008!!! woohoo!!! Wow, time just fly by soo fast that the finals is over and we've emerged CHAMPIONS of the girls team!! Omg! I still couldn't believe that its all over. Theres no more campcraft training anymore...I'm sooooo gonna miss campcraft. I know i sound kinda geeky but i'm serious. Well, today was the IT day. The day everyone has waited for anxiously. It all started with us waking up at 3 am and went to bathe. All the campcraft members bunked in school the previous night at we all didnt want to wake up damn early just to get to school. But what the diff right? we woke up at 3 am. After waking up, Fatin, Gwen and I went to bathe before preparing the pitch for one last trial before we go for FINALS. It was really scary as we did not made the timing for the last time before going for the REAL thing. Wow i was about to pee in my pants lar...it was terrifying as our 4th component always sucks. So in the bus our instructors gave us a token which was a picture of us with remaks written on it behind. It was soo bitter sweet as it will be their last time taking us. It was all sooo surreal. We got to HTA and within seconds, we were in the holding hall and briefing and then the question to the 4th component was given. We got 30 mins to plan and decide which design to use. After all that is done we were brought down to the competition grounds where the sun was not showing any mercy. I swear that my legs were shaking and i was a little nervous. When the horn was sounded we shot out and did the best we could. I could tell you that we put eveything we've got into the final lap and with the adranaline rush in our blood, that was the best trial ever! We finished the tent faster than usual and everything was quite fine accept that we did not complete the 4th component. However, I was quite confident that we were gonna make it to Championship!! While the results were being read, we were soo anxious and the defining moment was when they announced "The team that has won the campcraft championship 2008 is.....TANJONG KATONG SEC!!" WE SCREAMED!!!!! i was like WOOOOOHO! we stood up and jumped like a freaking monkey. We did the cheer and suddenly the guys were surrounding us and we did the cheer at the same time. It was a really memorable moment!!It was soooooooooooo freking COOL!! Had our celebrations in school then we went home. I feel that Campcraft has left an impact in my life although its one impact or more, i'll certainly remember campcraft for life and i'll certainly miss it. Eventhough we did have our tough times like the stupid prelims being postponed 2 times and the changing of stuff. Well, I'll miss it all!! the easy part, the hard part, the sad part, I'll miss it all!! The the time we spent together, when we bonded, when we suffer together and when we cried together, I'm gonna miss it all. Not only that, but the instructors too. I'm gonna miss you guys. Sir kelvyn, Thank you for being there for us, for being our source of inspiration and motivation. For guiding us through the hardest times and for believing in us. I'll never forget all the encouragement you gave us. Thank you for being there for us always. Sir Zong Yao, I know i sometime irritate you or find you irritating but the fact is, your critisism has pushed me to do my best to show everyone that i could do it. I want to thank you for pushing me to the limit and truth be told for making me who i am now. You would not be our "SIR ZONG YAO" without your weird sense of sarcasm and humour. Your lame jokes and puns(haha) but i really want to thank you for being there for us and pushing us to be the best that we can. Sir Jonathan, your encouragements and praises always keep me in a good mood or brighten up my day. You've always been there when the team've got doubts about really winning the competition but you had faith in us and told us to do our best. We did and look at where we are now. Thank you SIR!! Maam Hazi, You've been with us since the very first time we took part in campcrafta and with our horrendous skills, you taught us patiently and not just critisize us. You've also tolerate most of our nonsense. I want to thank you for always having faith in us and not giving up on us even when we know we most deserve it. Lastly, to ALL instructors and teachers,esp ms nani, i want to thank you for beleiving in us and having faith in us. That was one of the most important driving factor for us. To have someone believing in us and supporting us all the way made us work our asses off and determine not to dissapoint you or ourselves. We were determined to get champions and here we are today with the CHAMPIONS trophy in our hands. But i want to say that the win is not only for us but for you guys to who have helped us in getting this award. Without you guys, we will not even be making it this far. I seriously wanna thank you all. And i will really really miss all of you eventhough we might be at odds at time. To my team mates, I wanna thank you for sticking it through even though i know i might be hard headed sometimes or even mean. Thank you for tolerating me(hahaha...i know i'm annoying most of the time...hehe)But if only one person wanted to be champions, we would seriously have not made it this far. With all having the same goal, its made us stronger and more determined to succeed. I cannot have asked for better team mates. I love you guys and i'll definitely miss the times we spent together in campcraft. Specially to joan, Thank you for being there for us since the beginning. Eventhough you are not in the team, you ARE part of us, so in the team or not, you are with us all the way!! Thank you for the encouragements and efforts you've put in. Campcraft would have really be different without you! To the guys, i know sometimes i might have scolded you, i'm sorry because i have little patience(haha) but i want to congratulate you for sticking it this far and making it to finals, its really a great acheivement. The girls have learnt from you and vice versa(i hope) anyhow, i really want to commend you on staying and not quitting when you could have...we've all been through alot together, bitter sweet memories. I had no regrets having you guys to represent tk campcraft team along side with us. We have fun, we've put in our best, no regrets guys!! Lastly, I wanna say that i've not regret a single moment i've spent in campcraft and to be honest, if given the choice to do it all over again, i would! seriously!! i dont care bout the sunburns the sweat but its the memories that will last us a lifetime. I've had one of my greatest and most memorable moments in my life and i would never trade it for the world! TK CAMPCRAFT #01!!!! WE ARE #01!!!!! WOOOOOOHHOOOOOOO!!!!! Labels: campcraft, champions, competition |